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Majordomo2 list server

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
configset listname restrict_post <<TAG
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Default Value : no default
Data Type     : restrict_post
Category      : moderate
Password Notes: Visible only with password. 
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

configset listname restrict_post << ENDTAG

configset listname restrict_post = sublist1 otherlist:sublist2

The restrict_post setting contains a list of lists and sublists.  If
this list is not empty, and the author of a posted message is not a
subscriber to at least one of the lists and sublists, the message will
be sent to the moderators for approval.

In the examples that follow, substitute the name of your mailing list
wherever you see LISTNAME.

To allow posted messages from the subscribers of the LISTNAME mailing
list, use the following value:

To allow posted messages from the members of an auxiliary list
(sublist), use the name of the sublist.  For example, to allow messages
from members of the "moderators" sublist, use the following value:
See "help auxiliary_list" for an introduction to sublists.

To allow posted messages from subscribers from another mailing list,
follow the list name with a colon.  For example, to allow messages from
members of the "rodent" mailing list, use the following value:

To allow posted messages from members of an auxiliary list of another
mailing list, separate the list name and sublist name with a colon.  For
example, to allow messages from members of the "squirrel" sublist of the
"rodent" mailing list, use the following value:

If the value you give this setting occupies only one line, more than one
list or sublist can be placed on that line, with spaces or tabs between
the individual lists or sublists.  This format is supported for backward
compatibility.  If multiple lines are used, only one list or sublist
should be included on each line.  This is illustrated in two examples
near the beginning of this document.

If the value of this setting is empty, no restrictions will be imposed.

This setting can be overridden by rules for the post command in the
access_rules configuration setting.

Majordomo 1 compatibility
Majordomo 1 required that addresses be kept in a separate file.
Majordomo 2 requires that addresses be subscribed to mailing lists or to
auxiliary lists.

In Majordomo 1, regular and digest lists were separate; in Majordomo 2
they have been combined.  For backward compatibility, the following
values in the restrict_post setting are considered equivalent, and refer
to the subscribers of the LISTNAME mailing list:

In Majordomo 1, the following setting would restrict messages from
people who are neither subscribers nor are listed in the LISTNAME.allow
  restrict_post = LISTNAME LISTNAME.allow

In Majordomo 2, the following command would restrict messages from
people who are neither subscribers nor are members of the "allow"
auxiliary list:
  configset LISTNAME restrict_post = LISTNAME allow

See Also:
   help admin_moderate
   help alias 
   help auxiliary_list 
   help configset_access_rules
   help set

This is the "configset_restrict_post" help document for 
Majordomo 2, version 0.1200410180.

For a list of all help documents, send the following command:
   help topics
in the body of a message to

For assistance, please contact the administrators.
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