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Majordomo2 list server

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
set[-pattern][-regex][-allmatching] listname flag[,flag,flag...] address
set[-pattern][-regex][-allmatching] ALL      flag[,flag,flag...] address
set-check[-pattern][-regex][-allmatching] listname address
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
listname, required, is an email list at this site (ALL is special case)
flag,     required, is a subscription parameter (listed below)
address,  required, is an address already subscribed to listname
-allmatching, if specified, affects every address that matches a pattern
-check,   if specified, displays settings instead of changing them
-pattern, if specified, treats the address as a pattern (see "help patterns")
-regex,   if specified, treats the address as a pattern (see "help patterns")
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Each subscription to a Majordomo mailing list has several settings.  The
set command is used to view or change the values of those settings.
Each of the settings is described in detail in this document.

In the examples that follow, a valid mailing list name should be 
substituted wherever you see LISTNAME.  A valid e-mail address should
be substituted wherever you see ADDRESS.  Commands should be mailed
in the body of a message to

The settings are sometimes called "classes" or "flags."  A flag is a
setting that is either on or off.  Each flag can be turned off by prefixing 
its name with "no":

  set LISTNAME selfcopy
will turn on the "selfcopy" flag, and
  set LISTNAME noselfcopy
will turn off the "selfcopy" flag.

"Class" is an abbreviation for "delivery class," and refers to how a
subscriber receives the messages that are posted to the mailing list.
For example, subscribers in the "nomail" class will not receive any
posted messages.  

  set LISTNAME digest
will cause the delivery class for the LISTNAME mailing list to be
changed to the default digest for the mailing list.

Normally, the set command will allow you to view or change the settings
for one subscriber on one mailing list.  However, the
"set-pattern-allmatching" command can be used by list owners to change
the settings for more than one address at once.  Also, the "set ALL"
command can be used by subscribers to change the settings for all of
their subscriptions at once.

  set-pattern-allmatching LISTNAME replyto ALL
will turn on the "replyto" flag for every address subscribed to a
mailing list.

  set ALL nomail-14d
will postpone mail for all of your subscriptions while you are 
traveling, for the next 14 days.

Normally, the set command is used to change settings.  However, 
the "set-check" command will allow you to see the current settings
without making any changes.

  set-check ALL
will show all of your current settings (the show command will also
do this.)

It is also possible to view or change the settings of someone else's

  set-check LISTNAME
will show the current settings for on one mailing
list.  This may require confirmation from the person whose settings
you are changing.

To change more than one setting at a time, you can supply a
comma-separated list of flags and classes. If there are conflicts, the
ones at the end of the list take precedence.  If any of the settings are
invalid then the whole command will fail.

  set LISTNAME selfcopy,eliminatecc,noselfcopy
will turn on the eliminatecc setting and turn off the selfcopy setting.

The "pattern" and "regex" command modes can be used by list owners to
change the settings of one or more addresses that match a pattern
See "help patterns" for an introduction to Majordomo patterns.
An administrative password is required to use patterns. 

If "allmatching" mode is used with "pattern" mode, every address that
matches the pattern will have its settings affected. Without
"allmatching", only the settings for the first matching address will be
displayed or changed.

Each address has an original and a canonical form.  Usually these two
addresses are the same, but if the original address (the one that was
used to subscribe to a mailing list) is an alias for another address,
the latter address is the canonical address.

When "pattern" mode is used, the canonical addresses are compared to the
pattern.  This may cause some surprising results when an original
address that does not match the pattern is reported to have had its
settings changed.

Another way for list owners to change the settings of more than one
address at once is to use a here document (see "help here_document" for
a discussion of here documents.)  In the following example, the replyto
setting for the three addresses in the here document will be turned off.  

  set LISTNAME noreplyto <<ABCE

Each of the settings is described in the following sections.  A
collection of notes for list administrators appears at the end of this

                        The Individual Settings
The settings can be grouped as follows.  Each group is explained in
a separate section.  

  Delivery classes
      (each, unique, nomail[-PERIOD], nomail-return, vacation,
       mail, digest[-NAME][-FORMAT], all)
  Informative messages
      (ackdeny, ackpost, ackreject, ackstall, ackall, ackimportant, noack)
  Copies of your own posts (selfcopy)
  Visibility to the "who" command (hideall, hideaddress, nohide, showall)
  Visibility of your messages in a public archive (hidepost)
  Avoid courtesy copies (eliminatecc)
  Add a Subject header prefix (prefix)
  Add a Reply-to header (replyto)
  Rewrite the "From:" header when you post (rewritefrom)
  Block your posted messages (postblock) [for list owners]

                            Delivery classes

The delivery class controls how (and if) you receive messages from the 

There are four basic classes:
     each          - you get each message as it is posted.
     unique        - like 'each', but no duplicates from multiple lists.
     digest        - you get periodic collections of messages.
     nomail        - you get nothing until you issue another 'set' command.

In addition, there are some special classes:
     digest-NAME-FORMAT - receive a different digest in a different format.
     nomail-PERIOD - you get nothing for the specified time period.
                     (For example, nomail-20d will postpone mail for 20 days.)
     nomail-return - cancels "set nomail", if one is in effect.
     mail          - identical to "nomail-return".
     vacation      - another way of spelling "nomail".
     all           - for debugging purposes only, 

-- Receive each posted message separately (each)

To receive each message from the list as it is posted, send this
one-line command to
  set LISTNAME each

If you are subscribed to many lists at the same server, and often get
the same message from several lists, consider using the "unique"
delivery class instead.

-- Receive each unique posted message separately (unique)

The "unique" delivery class is designed to keep you from receiving
multiple copies of a message that has been posted to more than one
mailing list at the same site.  If a message is posted to two or more
lists to which you are subscribed, you will only receive a copy from the
first mailing list to which the message was posted.  This delivery class
is only effective if you use it for all of the subscriptions to which
messages are cross-posted.

-- Receive messages in a digest (digest[-NAME][-FORMAT])

Unlike the "each" and "unique" classes, which cause you to receive a
separate copy of each e-mail message, the "digest" delivery class will
cause messages to be delivered as a group.  Each mailing list can have
one or more digests.  To see which digests are available for a
particular mailing list, use the following command:

  lists-full LISTNAME

If a mailing list has more than one digest, you can choose which digest
you wish to receive.  For example, if a mailing list has a digest named
"weekly," you can receive it with the following command:

  set LISTNAME digest-weekly

In addition, each digest is available in three formats: mime, text, and
index.  "mime" format is arranged so that each message is a separate
"attachment."  "text" format groups all of the messages together without
using any attachments.  "index" format only lists a summary of the
messages, but does not display any of their contents.

  set LISTNAME digest-index
will allow you to receive the default digest in "index" format.

  set LISTNAME digest-daily-text
will allow you to receive the "daily" digest in "text" format.

  set LISTNAME digest-weekly
will allow you to receive the "weekly" digest in the default format.

  set LISTNAME digest
will allow you to receive the default digest in the default format.

"help configset_digests" describes how list owners can customize
the default digest and format.

-- Receive no posted messages (nomail[-PERIOD], nomail-return, mail,

The "nomail" delivery class is used to temporarily suspend receiving messages 
from one or more mailing lists, without unsubscribing.  Majordomo will
save your previous delivery class until you return.  The "nomail-return"
mode is used to resume receiving mail.

  set LISTNAME nomail
will suspend delivery of mail, and
  set LISTNAME nomail-return
will cause delivery to resume, using the saved delivery class.

If you know in advance when you would like to resume receiving mail, you
can specify an amount of time, as a number of days, weeks, months, and
so on.  Majordomo will automatically issue a "set nomail-return" command
for you at the end of that time.  For details on how to specify the time 
period, see the section on time spans in "help times".

  set LISTNAME nomail-4d
will suspend delivery for four days
  set LISTNAME nomail-1month
will suspend delivery for one month. 

The "nomail" and "vacation" classes are identical.
The "nomail-return" and "mail" classes are identical.

-- Receive all digests and 8 copies of each message

The "all" delivery class should only be used by the list owners as a
diagnostic tool. The "all" class is NOT a shorthand for all of the other
classes! The list owner, or a power user with the list password, can put
their address in the "all" class and get lots of messages: all digests
in all types, and each message with and without subject prefixes and
customized reply-to headers.

                          Informative messages

    - The ackdeny flag determines if you are notified when your posted
      message is denied due to access restrictions.

    - The ackpost flags determines if you are notified when your posted
      message is being delivered to the subscribers of a mailing list.
      Note that this does NOT imply that it was sucessfully distributed
      to all the subscribers, just that it is in the process of being

    - The ackreject flag determines if you are notified when your posted
      message, subscription attempt, or any other request has been 
      rejected by the moderators of a mailing list.

    - The ackstall flag determines if you are notified when your posted
      message is sent to the moderators for approval.

    - This setting enables the ackstall, ackdeny, ackpost, and ackreject 

    - This setting is identical to the ackimportant setting.

    - This setting disables the ackstall, ackdeny, ackpost, and ackreject 

  set LISTNAME noack
is equivalent to
  set LISTNAME noackdeny,noackpost,noackreject,noackstall

                    Receive copies of your own posts

These control whether or not you get a copy of your own message sent back
to you.  (Assuming you are receiving 'each' message; 'digest' users will
always see their own messages in the digest and 'nomail' users will
obviously not receive their messages).

    selfcopy   - Receive a copy of each message that you post.
    noselfcopy - Do not receive a copy of each message that you post.

                    Visibility to the "who" command

Four settings control whether or not your address is visible to people
using the 'who' command to view the list of subscribers:
     hideall     - 'who' shows nothing about you.
     hideaddress - 'who' shows your name but not your email address
     nohide      - 'who' shows both your name and your address
     showall     - same as "nohide", shows all information

For maximum privacy, use the following command:
  set LISTNAME hideall

The list owners can disable the "who" command, so privacy may not be
an issue.  List owners will always be able to see an address in the
subscriber list, regardless of the settings.

An e-mail address will sometimes include a comment, such as a name, in 
addition to the actual address.  For example, the address 
  Joe Blow <>
has the comment "Joe Blow".  The "hideaddress" setting will leave any
comments visible to the "who" command.

            Visibility of your messages in a public archive

The "hidepost" setting determines whether or not messages that you post
to a mailing list are stored permanently in a public archive:
     hidepost   - Your messages will not be stored permanently.
     nohidepost - Your messages may be stored permanently, at the
                  discretion of the list owners.

To keep your messages private, use the following command:
  set LISTNAME hidepost

Turning on this setting will keep any future messages that you post from
being displayed by the archive command.  It is usually possible to prevent
selected messages from being archived if you add one of the following
two headers to a message when you post it:
  X-no-archive: yes
  Restrict: no-external-archive

                         Avoid courtesy copies

The eliminatecc setting controls courtesy copy elimination. If this
setting is enabled, and your address appears in the To: or Cc: headers of
a posted message, Majordomo will not send an additional copy to you.
This helps to cut down on many of those annoying duplicates that are
often received, but it deprives you of the additional processing that
Majordomo does on a message (subject prefixes, additional headers,

     eliminatecc   - turns CC elimination on
     noeliminatecc - turns it off

                      Add a subject header prefix

The prefix setting determines whether or not you will see a prefix in
the subject header of messages that you receive from the list.  For
example, the "grape" mailing list might have a "[Grape]" prefix that 
causes subject headers to look like this:

  Subject: [Grape] White or green?

Prefixes only appear in messages that are delivered separately, not in
message digests.

     prefix   - always add the prefix
     noprefix - never show the prefix

                         Add a Reply-to header

These control Reply-To: header generation.  If the list owner has defined
a Reply-To: header, you can specify whether or not you want to see it.
     replyto   - always add the Reply-To: header
     noreplyto - never add the header (but if the poster has provided one,
                 you will see it)

Usually, turning this setting on will cause your replies to be addressed
to the mailing list; turning this setting off will cause your replies to
be addressed to the person who wrote the message to which you are

WARNING: Different e-mail programs interpret the From, Sender, and Reply-To
         headers differently.  Whenever you post a message, look
         carefully at the destination address before you send it.

                Rewrite the "From:" header when you post

The rewritefrom setting causes the "From:" header of messages that you
post to a mailing list to be changed.  When you subscribe
to a Majordomo mailing list, a comment may be stored in addition
to your address.  For example, "joe blow" is the comment in the
following two addresses:
    joe blow <> (joe blow)

When you post messages to a list, Majordomo can rewrite the "From:"
header to be identical to the one with which you subscribed.
    rewritefrom   - change the From: header
    norewritefrom - leave the From: header alone

This might be useful, for example, to someone who is moderating a
mailing list.  Instead of having one's name appear in the  "From:"
header, Majordomo could automatically make it appear like this:
    List Moderator <>
To see the appearance of the address with which you are subscribed to
mailing lists, use the "show" command. 

              Block your posted messages [for list owners]

The postblock flag is used by list administrators to cause messages that
are posted from one address to be moderated or to be discarded
automatically.  By default, posted messages from addresses with the
postblock flag set will be moderated.

To block an address from posting, send this one-line command to
       set LISTNAME postblock ADDRESS
where "LISTNAME" is replaced with the name of the list.

To allow a user to post, send
       set LISTNAME nopostblock ADDRESS

Subscribers will usually not be able to change this flag themselves;
it must be done by the list administrators.

                     Notes for list administrators

If the postblock flag is set for one or more subscribers, the $post_block 
access variable can be used in the access_rules setting to restrict
messages posted by those subscribers.  For example, the following access

deny, reason="Your address has been banned from posting."

...would cause all messages from subscribers with the postblock flag set
to be discarded.  One weakness of the postblock flag is that it may be
cleared if a subscriber unsubscribes from the list and then

Similarly, the hidepost flag will cause the $hide_post access variable to be
set.  Both of these flags can also apply to posts from people who are not
subscribed to the mailing list (see "help configset_nonmember_flags" and 
"help access_variables" for more details.)

The default settings for new subscribers are determined by the list owners 
(see "help configset_default_class" and "help configset_default_flags".)

The acknowledgement settings also apply to people who are not subscribed
to a mailing list (see "help configset_nonmember_flags" for more details.)  

Like posts affected by the "hidepost" setting, some messages may not be 
archived if the body or headers of a message match one or more patterns 
(see "help configset_noarchive_body" and "help configset_noarchive_headers" 
for more details).

The list owners can also prohibit subscribers from changing some or all 
of their personal settings (see "help configset_allowed_classes", 
"help configset_allowed_flags", and "help configset_set_policy".)

The "unique" delivery class has no effect if the dup_lifetime setting is
set to zero.  See "help configset_dup_lifetime" for more details.

Using "noack", the default, can make error messages vanish if your list
has access_rules that use the replyfile action. If your list uses only
mailfiles, using "noack" can suppress one of the two messages some
errors produce. Use "set LISTNAME noack" with extreme caution, as the
list owner has no way to override it except by forcing your subscription
options to change.

See "help configset_ack_attach_original" for how to include the original
message when an acknowledgement is sent for a posted message.

See Also:
   help access_variables
   help configset_access_rules     (to restrict or allow access to 'set' changes)
   help configset_ack_attach_original (attaches post to error message if stalled)
   help configset_allowed_flags    (restricts subscribers ability to set flags)
   help configset_allowed_classes  (restricts subscribers ability to set digest)
   help configset_default_class    (sets per-list defaults before subscribing)
   help configset_default_flags    (sets per-list defaults before subscribing)
   help configset_dup_lifetime     (can bypass duplicate post checking)
   help configset_nonmember_flags  
   help configshow                 (for how to get a list of availabel digests)
   help show      (displays all of the current settings for one subscriber)
   help subscribe (to choose the comment that appears with your address)
   help times     (details of how to specify a time period for 'nomail')
   help who       (to extract all the set commands for an entire list)

This is the "set" help document for 
Majordomo 2, version 0.1200410180.

For a list of all help documents, send the following command:
   help topics
in the body of a message to

For assistance, please contact the administrators.
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