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Majordomo2 list server
The "mj_shell" tool is for shell (or command line) administrators who have access to the machine where Majordomo is running. It cannot be accessed through email or the web, but if you have shell access it will bypass the delays associated with email. All functionality of the mj_shell is provided by the email parser. For more information, send "help admin" to BEWARE: Using the "-p" option to specify a password will make your password visible to other shell users, who can issue a command like "ps -ax" to see your full command line. The text which follows is simply a copy of the documentation from the program: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ % pod2text bin/mj_shell NAME mj_shell - Majordomo command line interface SYNOPSIS mj_shell [-D] [-R] [-d domain] [-t topdir] [-p password] [command [args]] DESCRIPTION mj_shell provides a command line interface to the Majordomo core functionality. It provides both a single command interface, where a command is given directly on the command line, and an interface into the full text parser, where commands are parsed out of a file. Anything that can be done through the email interface can be done through the shell interface. mj_shell also provides a convenient 'configedit' command that opens an editor on a set of config variables and allows them to be edited directly. Similarly, the 'get-edit' command will start a text editor program to allow a file to be edited and replaced easily. If called without a command file, mj_shell will enter an interactive mode where you can enter commands and have their results returned without rerunning mj_shell. Executing single commands mj_shell allows the user to execute a single command directly, just by placing it and its arguments on the command line: mj_shell who mylist mj_shell subscribe mylist For a list of supported commands, execute mj_shell help topics Passwords The -p switch specifies that the command should be executed with the given password. For general information on how passwords work in Majordomo, execute mj_shell help admin_passwords Command modes The specific behavior of most of the commands can be altered through the use of command modes. Most commands take the 'noinform' and 'nolog' modes, which turn off owner information and logging, respectively. The subscribe command takes the 'nowelcome' mode, which prevents the introductory welcome message from being sent out to new subscribers. To specify one or more modes, separate them from the command with hyphens, as follows: mj_shell -p pass subscribe-noinform-nowelcome mylist For information on which commands take which modes, execute mj_shell help admin_commands Commands taking multiple or array arguments Some commands, like subscribe, can take multiple arguments (in this case, a list of addresses to subscribe). Others, like configset, sometimes take array arguments. These are handled in mj_shell by placing the multiline part of the command in a file and specifying the file using the -f switch. For example, if 'addr_file' contains a list of addresses, one per line, you can do the following: mj_shell -p pass -f addr_file subscribe-noinform-nowelcome mylist For another example, if the file 'inform_file' contains the following: subscribe : all : ignore unsubscribe : all : ignore Then mj_shell -p pass -f inform_file configset mylist inform would set the inform variable such that the list owner would not be informed of subscribe and unsubscribe requests. (Execute mj_shell help configshow mj_shell help configset for more information about configuration variables.) Executing multiple commands For performing more involved tasks, mj_shell gives access to the full Majordomo text parser, which is also used to parse commands from the body of an email message. Place multiple commands in a file, and pass the filename to mj_shell using the -F switch. For example, if 'cmd_file' contains the following lines: subscribe mylist subscribe mylist show mylist show mylist all of the commands can be executed by calling mj_shell as follows: mj_shell -p pass -F cmd_file The text parser also allows some advanced features. Multiline arguments can be specified by a syntax similar to the shell 'here document' feature. An example is simpler than a description; you could place the following in 'cmd_file': subscribe mylist << ENDA ENDA show mylist << ENDB ENDB configset mylist inform << AAA subscribe : all : ignore unsubscribe : all : ignore AAA to additionally set the 'inform' variable. (In this example the syntax is not much shorter, but for longer address lists it can save much typing.) The '<<' begins the multiline argument, and must be at the end of the command line. The tag must consist of at least three uppercase letters, and appears both directly after the '<<' and alone on a line after all of the data. Multiline arguments can also be included in external files. The external files given using one or more -f options on the mj_shell command line, and their contents are referenced by placing '<@' followed by a number; using '3' would reference the file named by the third -f option. For example, if the file 'addrs' contains: 'inform' contains: subscribe : all : ignore unsubscribe : all : ignore and 'commands' contains: subscribe mylist <@1 show mylist <@1 configset mylist inform <@2 then the command mj_shell -F commands -f addrs -f inform would do the same as the previous example. In addition, the text parser supports the special 'default' command, which sets some default parameter for following commands. The 'default list' command (followed by a list name) sets the default list, while the 'default password' command sets the password. Thus the 'commands' file in the previous example can be replaced by: default list mylist subscribe <@1 show <@1 configset inform <@2 The default list or password can be cleared by using 'default list' or 'default password' with no list or password. In interactive mode, multiline arguments and the 'default delay,' 'default password,' and 'default user' commands are supported. Use the command mj_shell help default to learn more about the default command. The configedit command There is one command which is exclusive to mj_shell, the configedit command. This enables a list owner to retrieve the values of one or more configuration variables, modify them in an editor, and save the new values in a single operation. Note that the configedit command is not supported on all platforms, but can be emulated by the following set of operations: mj_shell -p pass configshow list vars > tempfile (edit tempfile) mj_shell -p pass -F tempfile Switches Here are all of the command line switches that mj_shell accepts: -D Specifies that full debugging information will be sent to standard error. -d *domain* Specifies the domain of lists to operate on. The default domain is chosen at install time; for installations supporting more than one domain, this switch must be used to distinguish between them. -F *filename* Specifies that the text parser will be run on *filename*. All non-option arguments on the mj_shell command line will be ignored. -f *filename* Specifies that the contents of *filename* will be used either as a multiline argument for a given command, or for an external argument for a '<@' specifier in the text parser. More than one -f argument is permitted, though multiple instances are only used by the text parser. *filename* can also be the string '-', in which case standard input is read. -l *language* Specifies the user's preferred language. This should be in the standard two-letter (ISO 639) form, plus subtags as outlined in RFC 1766. (For example, en for English, de for German, or no-nynorsk for Norwegian/Nynorsk.) Case is not significant. Multiple preferences can be specified in order by separating them with commas or using multiple -l options. Note that the server may not have all files available in all supported languages. If a file does not exist in the preferred language, the other supplied languages are searched in order and finally English is used if no other choice is available. In conformance with RFC 1766, tags are not considered separately from tags, so in the Nynorsk example above, plain Norwegian would not be returned unless it was listed as an additional preference. -P Use a pager to display the results. It is also possible to achieve this effect in interactive mode with the following command: default display pager -p *password* Specifies a password that a command will be run with, or the default password for commands run by the text parser. -R As a debugging aid, specifies that mj_shell should dump the request structures sent to the Majordomo library and the result structures received from the library. -t *directory* This specifies the directory which is the top level of the Majordomo lists directory structure. This is generally compiled in at installation time, but some sites may have different directory structures. -u *user* Specifies the user that commands will run as. Note that this does not change the system UID, but only affects the user (really the email address) that is passed to the Majordomo core for access checking and which is used as the default for certain commands. Normally the user is determined from a combination of environment variables and the result of the 'hostname' function, but this information is not always accurate. Please note that this can be used for nefarious purposes, but that it does not pose any additional security risk since mail sent to the email processor can be trivially forged. List owners are strongly urged not to rely on users and email addresses for security, but instead to rely on passwords and to enable confirmation on all security sensitive commands. -Z Specifies that UID/GID tests will not be done. Normally mj_shell will check to make sure that it is running as the user and group specified during installation. Failure of this test generally indicates an installation error; either the wrappers or the scripts themselves shouldf be installed setuid and setgid to the Majordomo user and group. Using the -Z option enables mj_shell to run even with this misconfiguration, though other operations may fail and file ownerships will not be set correctly. This option is mainly used by the test scripts, so that they can run before the software has been completely installed. --aliascomplete When running in interactive mode, mj_shell provides for completion of Majordomo commands. It does not normally complete command aliases (such as 'remove' for 'unsubscribe') but supplying this switch will cause it to do so. --id Forces mj_shell to print out the real and effective user and group IDs at the beginning of execution. Used for debugging. --noornaments When running in interactive mode, mj_shell will use ornamentation to spruce up the prompt of the underlying ReadLine library supports it. The --noormanemts switch will turn these off. See Also: help admin help admin_commands help configset help configshow help default For a list of all help topics send this one-line message help topics to the server at
For assistance, please contact the administrators.
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