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Majordomo2 list server
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = digest listname digest-check[-repeat] listname [digestname[,digestname]] digest-force[-repeat] listname [digestname[,digestname]] digest-incvol listname [digestname[,digestname]] digest-status listname [digestname[,digestname]] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -check, if specified, pushes a digest if necessary -force, if specified, pushes a digest needed or not -incvol, if specified, increments the volume number -repeat, if specified, causes multiple issues to be delivered -status, if specified, displays pending messages and other statistics listname, required, is the name of a list at this site digestname, if specified, is the name of a list digest = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = The digest command is used to cause messages to be bundled into digests and delivered to subscribers who have a "digest" delivery mode (see "help set" for a description of delivery modes). Each mailing list can support multiple digests, as determined by the "digests" configuration setting (see "help configset_digests" for more details). An administrative password is usually required to issues the digest command. In the examples that follow, substitute the name of a valid mailing list for LISTNAME. If no command mode is used, a list of supported digests and their descriptions will be displayed. For example, the command digest LISTNAME might display the following information for a mailing list that supports "daily" and "weekly" digests: daily Daily digest weekly Weekly digest If you know the name of a digest, you can see a list of messages waiting to be delivered with the digest-status command. For example, the command: digest-status LISTNAME weekly might display the following information: Digest Name weekly Last delivered on Mon Aug 14 21:15:06 2000 Age of oldest message 407014 seconds Oldest age allowed 518400 seconds Age of newest message 2402 seconds Messages awaiting delivery 194 Message total size 2006561 bytes Maximum size of a digest 102400 bytes 200008/660 On the road to a PGM panic........... by "THC" <> Mon Aug 14 23:15:20 2000 (summaries of the other 193 messages have been omitted) Although the last example only applied to the "weekly" digest, it is possible to apply the digest command to every digest supported by a mailing list. To do this, either omit the digest name entirely, or use the "ALL" keyword. The following two commands are identical: digest-status LISTNAME digest-status LISTNAME ALL To apply the digest command to more than one digest, use commas to separate the names. For example: digest-status LISTNAME daily,weekly The check, force, and repeat command modes ------------------------------------------ Digests are usually delivered automatically, based upon the constraints in the "digests" configuration setting. However, it is also possible to cause digests to be delivered with the digest-check and digest-force commands. The digest-check command examines the rules in the "digests" configuration setting, and causes a digest to be delivered if it meets the time constraints. For example, the command: digest-check LISTNAME weekly would cause one issue of the "weekly" digest to be delivered if the constraints are met. To deliver several issues with one command, it is also necessary to use the "repeat" command mode, e.g., digest-check-repeat LISTNAME weekly In "check" mode the "separate" field in the "digests" configuration setting, which specifies the minimum time between digests, must be set to 0 or some other small number for more than one digest to be issued. To override the "separate" field and other time constraints, use the "force" command mode instead of the "check" command mode. For example, digest-force LISTNAME daily would force one issue of the "daily" digest to be delivered. To force multiple issues to be delivered, use "repeat" mode, for example: digest-force-repeat LISTNAME daily The incvol command mode ----------------------- Each digest has a volume and issue number. Whenever a digest is delivered, the issue number is increased by one automatically. There are two ways to increase the volume number. One way is to change the "digest_issues" configuration setting with the configset command. The other way is to use the "digest-incvol" command. For example, if the "daily" digest is delivering issues for volume number 3, the command: digest-incvol LISTNAME daily will increase the volume number to 4. The "triggers" configuration setting can be used to issue the digest-incvol command periodically if the command is stored in a file. See "help configset_triggers" for more details. Changing the appearance of digests ---------------------------------- There are three digest formats: index, mime, and text. Each digest consists of the following sections: * An optional preindex, which usually shows the digest name, volume, and issue number. * An index, the contents of which are determined by the digest_index_format configuration setting, and which can be overridden on a digest-by-digest basis by the digests configuration setting. * An optional postindex. * The e-mail messages (absent in "index" format digests). * An optional footer (absent in "index" format digests). The preindex, postindex, and footer can be customized using the put command. The customizations can be specific to a particular digest name, such as the "weekly" digest; to a specific format, such as the "mime" format; or to every digest. When Majordomo determines which customizations to use, it searches for files in the following order: digest_NAME_FORMAT_FILE digest_NAME_FILE digest_FORMAT_FILE digest_FILE For example, if your mailing list has a digest called "weekly" and a "mime" format digest is being delivered, Majordomo will look for the following files for the postindex: digest_weekly_mime_postindex digest_weekly_postindex digest_mime_postindex digest_postindex As an example, you might want to indicate in the postindex of "text" format digests that all of the message attachments have been omitted. The following command would accomplish that: put LISTNAME /digest_text_postindex Text postindex <<LMN All of the messages in this digest are presented in plain text. Any attachments that may have accompanied the original messages have been thrown away. LMN Please see "help get" and "help put" for more information on retrieving and replacing files. Each preindex, postindex, and footer file supports variable substitutions. Please see the digest_preindex description in "help reply_files" for a list of the supported substitutions. Digest headers -------------- The mail headers that appear in a digest are configurable, according to the following table. Header Configuration Setting Errors-To sender From whoami_owner Precedence precedence Reply-To reply_to Sender sender Subject digests To whoami In addition, any headers from the message_headers setting will also be added to each digest. A list must have an archive in order to create digests (see "help configset_archive_dir" for more details). See Also: help configset_access_rules (to restrict access to the digest command) help configset_archive_dir (to change the location of the archives) help configset_digest_index_format (to configure the index) help configset_digest_issues (to configure the volume and issue number) help configset_digests (to configure digests) help configset_message_headers help configset_precedence help configset_reply_to help configset_sender help configset_whoami help configset_whoami_owner help get help put (to customize preindex, postindex, or footer files) help variables (to learn about substitution variables) This is the "digest" help document for Majordomo 2, version 0.1200410180. For a list of all help documents, send the following command: help topics in the body of a message to
For assistance, please contact the administrators.
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