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Majordomo2 list server
Delayed Requests Delays are used to postpone a request, or to confine a request to a certain day or time. For instance, suppose that you wanted to maintain a mailing list on which messages were only distributed at night, between 6 pm and 6 am. This could easily be accomplished using the access rules for the list, and the delay trigger for the list. There are three ways to create a delay. The first way is to use the "default delay" command, followed by a time span (see "help times" for more information on time spans.) For example, default delay 3h would cause any succeeding command to be delayed for 3 hours, but only on the following conditions: 1. The command is issued using an administrative password. 2. The command would otherwise succeed immediately. (Delays have no influence on requests which are denied, or held awaiting someone's approval.) The delay can be set to zero by omitting the time span: default delay The second way is to use the delay action in an access rule. For example, subscribe delay=(delay, 3h) ALL would cause all subscription requests to be delayed by three hours. The "delay" inside the parentheses is the name of a file. The file is sent to the person whom the request affects, under normal circumstances. The delay action is what is called a "terminal" action, meaning that the request will be delayed immediately, and any "subscribe" access rules that follow this one will be ignored. The third way is to set the delay access variable in an access rule. For example, subscribe set=(delay=3h) ALL would have a similar effect to the previous example, but would not indicate the file that is to be sent to the person whom the delay affects. Another difference is that, after the variable has been set, Majordomo will continue to process succeeding access rules. The delay will only occur if the request would otherwise succeed. Under most circumstances, delaying a request will cause a notice to be sent to the person whom the request affects. By default, the name of the file that contains this notice is "delay." The notice gives instructions for discarding the request, or causing it to be carried out immediately. There are two situations in which the notice is not sent: 1. When a message that is meant to be posted to a mailing list is delayed. 2. If the "quiet" command mode is used. For instance, the commands default delay 4d sub-quiet mylist would cause not to receive a delay notice (or welcome message) concerning the subscription. The delayed requests are completed automatically when the "delay" trigger is executed. By default, this happens every hour, but the "triggers" setting can be adjusted to cause delayed requests to be fulfilled less frequently. See Also: help configset_access_rules help access_variables help configset_triggers help default help times This is the "delay" help document for Majordomo 2, version 0.1200410180. For a list of all help documents, send the following command: help topics in the body of a message to
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