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Majordomo2 list server
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = configshow[-append][-declared][-extract][-nocomments] listname [settings] configshow-categories listname [settings] configshow-merge[-append][-extract][-nocomments] listname listname [settings] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - listname, required, is an email list at this site settings, if specified, are one or more comma-separated configuration settings -append, if specified, causes "configset-append" commands to be displayed -categories, if specified, causes a list of setting categories to be displayed -declared, if specified, displays settings that have been changed by the owners -extract, if specified, causes "configset-extract" commands to be displayed -merge, if specified, displays configset commands for the second list. -nocomments, if specified, hides explanatory comments with the setting -noforce, if specified, causes "configset-noforce" commands to be displayed = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Retrieves the value of the given setting(s). Multiple settings can be retrieved by listing them separated by commas or spaces. For example, configshow listname access_rules,delivery_rules will cause the values of the access_rules and delivery_rules settings to be displayed. The output of the configshow command is presented in a way that makes it easy to change the settings (see "help configset" for more details on changing the settings.) If no settings are named on the command line, or if the ALL category is used, all visible settings are shown in the output of the command. All settings are visible if a master password is used. If no password is used, only a handful of settings will be visible. In addition to the ALL category, ten other categories are provided for your convenience. They include: ACCESS controls who has the ability to run a Majordomo command (not including posted messages, with the exception of the access_rules setting.) ADDRESS controls what is considered a valid e-mail address. (These settings apply only to the GLOBAL pseudo-list.) ARCHIVE controls how archives of posted messages are stored. BOUNCE controls how error e-mail messages are processed. DELIVER controls the appearance and delivery of outgoing posted messages. LISTS controls the output of the lists command. MISCELLANY settings that do not fit any of the other categories. MODERATE controls whether a posted message is delivered immediately, stalled pending approval, or discarded. PASSWORD includes the administrative master password, password length, and related settings. REPLY controls whether or not notices are sent when a majordomo request is stalled, fails, is completed or denied, and so on. Settings that control the file space and language also appear in this category. Categories should always be indicated in capital letters. Each category contains several settings, and some settings appear in more than one category. The help page for each individual setting shows the categories to which the setting belongs. A more detailed description of the categories is available using the configshow-categories command. Each configuration setting has a "wizard" level, between 1 and 9, that indicates the importance of the setting and the level of skill required to use it. Settings with wizard level 1 are considered essential; you should learn how to use these settings first. Settings with higher numbers are more complicated or have a specific purpose that may not be applicable to your mailing list. To see the essential settings, use the following command: configshow LISTNAME 1 (Substitute the name of your list for LISTNAME.) Unless the '-nocomments' option is used, explanatory information about the setting(s) will also be shown. More information about each configuration setting, the setting's help file. For example, to learn more about the which_access setting, see "help configset_which_access". The value of each setting is presented as a configset command. This allows you to edit the current value, then send the command back to Majordomo. You will need to add your list's administrative password to the commands before sending them; see "help admin_passwords" for instructions. Whenever a list owner uses a configset command to alter a configuration setting, the new value is recorded in the list's configuration file. As a result, any default value for the setting will be overridden, even if the new value is the same as the default value. To prevent this happening, use the configshow-noforce command. The "declared" mode causes only those settings which have overridden the default values to be displayed. In effect, this gives list owners the opportunity to see only those values that they have personally changed. The "append" mode causes the configset commands to be displayed as "configset-append" commands, if the value of the setting can occupy more than one line. The "extract" mode causes the configset commands to be displayed as "configset-extract" commands. The "noforce" command mode causes the configset commands to be displayed as "configset-noforce" commands. See "help configset" for an explanation of these three command modes. The "merge" mode causes the configset commands to be displayed as if they were intended to alter the second mailing list on the command line. This is useful for people who want to apply the current settings for one list to another list. If the first list is a DEFAULT list, any non-password settings will be shown. This feature allows list owners to view the settings in public configuration templates. The "append," "extract," and "merge" modes all have the same effect as "declared" mode: they only display values that have been explicitly set by the list owners. Occasionally the produced configset commands will be broken across lines with a backslash. This is intended to reduce the likelihood of lines being wrapped improperly by the software that you use to write mail messages. Note also that only the settings that can be seen by the current authorization level will be returned. This means that with no authentication at all, a small list of settings will still be visible (though of course they cannot be modified). Finally, note that not all per-list settings can be modified by the list owner - some require global priviliges. Refer to the help file for each configset setting for about passwords and visibility. It is possible to store more than one collection of configuration settings in a mailing list using a configuration "template." Templates have the same naming conventions as a mailing list: only letters, numbers, period, hyphen, and underscore are allowed. The template name is case-insensitive. Templates are used to store a collection of settings for later use. For example, the message_headers, delete_headers, and bounce_probe_frequency settings could be used to cause the messages to a list to have personalized To: headers. Instead of having to remember the necessary settings, a list owner could simply refer to a template by name, using the "configshow-merge" command to apply the settings to his mailing list. To refer to a template, append a colon and the name of the template to the name of the mailing list. For example, to see a template named "personalize" with the DEFAULT pseudo-list, use the following command: configshow-declared DEFAULT:personalize This will cause all existing settings in the template to be displayed. If the template does not exist, you will receive a message indicating that no settings were found. A complete list of default templates can be seen using the following command: lists-config DEFAULT See "help lists" for more details. Templates can be applied to your list using the config_defaults configuration setting. The level of authorization required to see the value of a configuration setting, and the wizard level of a setting, can be customized with the config_access configuration setting. A complete list of settings appears in the "help topics" document. See Also: help admin_config help admin_domain (for an explanation of default configuration values) help admin_passwords help commands (for syntax of all commands, and 'here documents') help configedit (to set the setting to a non-default value) help configset (to set the setting to a non-default value) help configset_config_access help configset_config_defaults help configdef (to have the setting track the default value) help lists This is the "configshow" help document for Majordomo 2, version 0.1200410180. For a list of all help documents, send the following command: help topics in the body of a message to
For assistance, please contact the administrators.
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