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Majordomo2 list server

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
configset  GLOBAL  set_policy = [VALUE]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
configset listname set_policy = [VALUE]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Default Value : open+confirm
Data Type     : enum, choose from: open closed auto open+confirm closed+confirm auto+confirm open+password auto+password
Category      : access
Password Notes: Visible only with password. 
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

configset listname set_policy = closed

WARNING: If you choose set_policy 'open', you allow anyone to forge
         a return address and shut off another subscribers email with
         'set list nomail'. It is HIGHLY recommended that you use
         open+confirm instead.

The set_policy configuration setting is used to restrict access
to the set command.

The following eight values are supported:

 auto            Anyone can use the set command for any address.

 auto+confirm    Anyone can use the set command for any address,
                 but the command must be confirmed by the person at
                 the affected address.

 auto+password   Anyone can use the set command for any address,
                 but the person issuing the command must supply a
                 personal password.

 open            Anyone can use the set command for her own
                 address.  If anyone attempts to use the set
                 command for a different address, the approval of
                 the list moderators will be required.

 open+confirm    Anyone can use the set command for her own
                 address.  If anyone attempts to use the set
                 command for a different address, the approval of
                 the list moderators will be required.  The command
                 must be confirmed by the person at the affected

 open+password   Anyone can use the set command for her own
                 address.  If anyone attempts to use the set
                 command for a different address, the approval of
                 the list moderators will be required.  The person
                 issuing the command must supply a personal password.

 closed          Anyone can use the set command for any address,
                 but the approval of the list moderators is required.

 closed+confirm  Anyone can use the set command for any address,
                 but the approval of the person at the affected address
                 and the list moderators is required.

This setting determines who can use the set command to change their 
personal settings on a mailing list.  It has no effect upon auxiliary 

Using "closed" allows the list owner to set up list defaults which
cannot be changed by the subscribers without the administrators'
approval.  This can be useful for "probation" periods, etc.

An administrative password can be used to issue the set command,
regardless of the value of this setting.

Any rules in the access_rules setting related to the set command
will take precedence over the value of this setting.

For the GLOBAL pseudo-list, this setting determines who can use
the "set ALL" command to change the settings for all of their
subscriptions at once.

See Also:
   help access   (for the special case of granting/denying all access)
   help configset_access_rules           (to restrict access to any command)
   help access_variables (for requests, variables, defaults)
   help configset_allowed_classes     (delivery settings members can change)
   help configset_allowed_flags       (the settings members can change)
   help configset_archive_access      (for     archive command access_rules)
   help configset_default_flags       (default settings for new members)
   help configset_faq_access          (for         faq command access_rules)
   help configset_get_access          (for         get command access_rules)
   help configset_index_access        (for       index command access_rules)
   help configset_info_access         (for        info command access_rules)
   help configset_intro_access        (for       intro command access_rules)
   help configset_nonmember_flags     (default settings for non-members)
   help configset_subscribe_policy    (for   subscribe command access_rules)
   help configset_unsubscribe_policy  (for unsubscribe command access_rules)
   help configset_which_access        (for       which command access_rules)
   help configset_who_access          (for         who command access_rules)
   help post     (for the special case of restricting who can post msgs)
   help set      (the command that this policy regulates)

For a list of all help topics send this one-line message
   help topics
to the server at

For assistance, please contact the administrators.
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