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Majordomo2 list server
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = configset GLOBAL inform <<TAG [VALUE LINES] TAG - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - configset listname inform <<TAG [VALUE LINES] TAG - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Default Value : no default Data Type : inform Category : reply Password Notes: Visible only with password. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = EXAMPLE: configset GLOBAL inform << ENDTAG subscribe | all | inform post | fail | inform,report post | succeed | report set | fail,succeed | inform ENDTAG The inform setting controls the ways in which list owners can keep abreast of activity on a mailing list. Each line consists of three sections, separated by pipes or colons ('|' or ':') request | results | actions The request is any majordomo command (e.g., subscribe, post, or archive). The results are one or more of "succeed," "fail," and "stall," or "all" for all three. The actions are one or more of "ignore," "inform," and "report." Multiple results or actions should be separated by commas. Whenever a command is processed or a message is posted, Majordomo records the result in a log. It then examines the inform configuration setting to see if anything else must be done. This setting consists of zero or more lines, with three fields on each line. If the command matches the criteria in the first two fields, the actions in the third field are undertaken. The first field on each line can be any Majordomo command, or any of the following other events that are logged: badtoken, bounce, connect, consult, expire, newtoken, parse, probebounce, or tokenbounce. See "help report" for a description of each of these events. The "help topics" document has a list of all of the commands. The second field on each line is one or more of these results: succeed perform the actions if the request succeeds. fail perform the actions if the request fails. stall perform the actions if the request is stalled. all always perform the actions The third field on each line is one or more of these actions: ignore completely ignore the request; this overrides the other actions. report display the information when the "report-inform" command is used. inform mail a summary of the event to the list owners. The inform setting has no influence on which events are recorded in the log. It only affects the output of the report command, and the delivery of e-mail notices to the administrators when certain events occur. Some events, such as the accept, reject, and tokeninfo commands, do not apply to ordinary mailing lists, and can only be reported to domain administrators. The "inform" action will usually cause a short notice to be mailed to the list owners. This notice contains a summary of the event, including the command line, who issued the command, the status of the command, and the session number of the command. See "help sessioninfo" for more information about sessions. For the "reject" and "tokenbounce" events, the "inform" action causes a detailed message to be sent to the list owners. The message for the reject event contains the complete session information for the command that was rejected, to allow the owners to determine who was responsible for the original command. The message for the tokenbounce event contains the error message that indicates why a confirmation message could not be delivered. See "help admin_moderate" for more information about confirmation tokens. It is possible to use comments before, between, and after the individual lines in this setting. Comments are lines that begin with a '#'. You can use comments as a reminder of what a setting does or why it was chosen, but comments have no impact on how the setting works. Notes for domain administrators It is possible for site or domain administrators to issue commands that are not logged, using the "nolog" command mode. It is also possible for list or domain administrators to issue commands that are not reported via e-mail, using the "noinform" command mode. See "help admin_commands" for more details. The log for a domain is stored in the "_log" file, in the directory for the GLOBAL pseudo-list. See Also: help admin_commands help admin_domain help admin_moderate help admin_monitor help commands help report help sessioninfo This is the "configset_inform" help document for Majordomo 2, version 0.1200410180. For a list of all help documents, send the following command: help topics in the body of a message to
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