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Majordomo2 list server
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = configset listname aliases <<TAG [VALUE LINES] TAG - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Default Value : (owner request resend) Data Type : enum_array Category : miscellany Password Notes: Visible only with password. Set with global password. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = EXAMPLE: configset listname aliases <<ALBM owner request resend subscribe unsubscribe ALBM The aliases setting determines which e-mail addresses are available to the public for a particular mailing list. The following values are supported: Alias E-mail addresses for this alias ----- ------------------------------- auxiliary An alias for each sublist in the "sublists" setting. moderator LIST-moderator owner LIST-owner request LIST-request resend LIST subscribe LIST-subscribe subscribe-digest LIST-subscribe-digest subscribe-digest-all An alias for each digest in the "digests" setting. subscribe-each LIST-subscribe-each subscribe-nomail LIST-subscribe-nomail subscribe-unique LIST-subscribe-unique unsubscribe LIST-unsubscribe Currently, the owner, request, and resend aliases are mandatory. After the value of this setting has been changed, the createlist-regen command must be run to recreate the aliases. Aliases are e-mail addresses to which people send messages. Each alias has a special purpose. The auxiliary alias ------------------- If the 'auxiliary' flag in the "configset aliases" is used, an alias will be created for each auxiliary list. For example, to reach the "testers" sublist of the mj2-dev list, a message could be sent to the (fictitious) address Without the 'auxiliary' flag, the "post" command is the only way to send messages to a sublist. Only auxiliary lists explicitly mentioned in the "sublists" configuration setting are given aliases (see "help configset_sublists" for more details). See "help auxiliary_list" for an introduction to auxiliary lists. The moderator alias ------------------- Mail sent to the LIST-moderator address will be delivered to the moderators of a mailing list. The owner alias --------------- Mail sent to the LIST-owner address will be delivered to the owners of a mailing list. The request alias ----------------- What happens to mail sent to the LIST-request alias depends upon the GLOBAL request_answer setting and the list-specific request_response file, as indicated by the following table: request_answer result -------------- ----------------------------------------- majordomo message is parsed for commands (default) owner message is forwarded to the list owners anything else the request_response file is sent back. The resend alias ---------------- This alias is the address of the mailing list itself. Mail sent to this address will be delivered to the list's subscribers. The subscribe and unsubscribe aliases ------------------------------------- Mail messages sent to the LIST-subscribe, LIST-unsubscribe, and related aliases are treated specially by Majordomo. The bodies of the messages are ignored. Majordomo will attempt to subscribe or unsubscribe the address that appears in the "From:" header of the message. The special extensions of the subscribe alias refer to the delivery class of the new subscriber. For example, a subscription made through the LIST-subscribe-nomail address would start in the "nomail" delivery class. See "help set" for a detailed description of delivery classes. See Also: help admin_domain help alias help announce help auxiliary_list help configset_allowed_classes help configset_default_class help configset_digests (for configuring digests for subscribe-digest) help configset_moderators help configset_owners help configset_request_answer help configset_sublists help configset_whoami help configset_whoami_owner help createlist (for the -regen option that creates new aliases) help post This is the "configset_aliases" help document for Majordomo 2, version 0.1200410180. For a list of all help documents, send the following command: help topics in the body of a message to
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