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Majordomo2 list server

                            Access Variables

This document contains all variables which can be controlled through the
access_rules configuration setting, and also shows which variables can
be tested, set, and unset while handling those requests.  Please refer
to "help configset_access_rules" for a detailed explanation.

This file does not describe the keyword substitution variables, which
cause text to be substituted into reply messages.  To learn more about
substitution variables, see "help variables".

There are three sections in this document:
  * The variables available for each command
  * An explanation of each access variable
  * An explanation of each notify directive variable

Access variables

The following access variables apply to every command that is governed
by the access_rules configuration setting:

  Name                          Type
  ====                          ====
  addr                          string
  addrcomment                   string
  bounce                        boolean
  delay                         timespan
  expire                        timespan
  fulfill                       boolean
  fulladdr                      string
  host                          string
  interface                     string
  list                          string
  list_password                 number
  master_password               number
  mismatch                      boolean
  mode                          string
  nostall                       boolean
  posing                        boolean
  remind                        timespan
  sublist                       string
  user_password                 boolean

The access command also uses this variable:

  block                         number

The createlist command also uses this variable:

  newlist                       string

The password command also uses this variable:

  password_length               number

The post command also uses these variables:

  admin                         number
  any                           boolean
  bad_approval                  boolean
  blind_copy                    boolean
  body_length                   number
  body_length_exceeded          boolean
  consecutive_posts		number
  days_since_last_post		number
  days_since_subscribe          number
  dup                           boolean
  dup_checksum                  boolean
  dup_msg_id                    boolean
  dup_partial_checksum          boolean
  hide_post                     boolean
  invalid_from                  boolean
  limit                         boolean
  limit_hard                    boolean
  limit_lower                   boolean
  limit_soft                    boolean
  lines                         number
  max_header_length             number
  max_header_length_exceeded    boolean
  mime                          boolean
  mime_consult                  boolean
  mime_deny                     boolean
  mime_header_length            number
  mime_header_length_exceeded   boolean
  mime_require                  boolean
  mode                          string
  noarchive                     number
  nonempty_lines                number
  percent_quoted                number
  post_block                    boolean
  posts				number
  posts_last_24hours		number
  posts_last_7days		number
  posts_last_30days		number
  posts_this_month		number
  posts_this_week		number
  posts_today			number
  quoted_lines                  number
  recipients                    number
  taboo                         number
  total_header_length           number
  total_header_length_exceeded  boolean

The subscribe command also uses this variable:

  matches_list                  boolean

The tokeninfo command also uses this variable:

  token_type                    string

In addition, the "notify" action in the access_rules configuration setting
supports several variables.  These variables are only useful inside
"notify" directives.

  approvals                     number
  attach                        boolean
  bounce                        boolean
  chainfile                     filename
  expire                        string
  file                          filename
  fulfill                       boolean
  group                         string
  pool                          number
  remind                        timespan

Each variable has a type that limits what values the variable can take.

  1 or 0, meaning true or false, respectively.

  The name of a file stored in the file space of a list.  File names
  that do not begin with a '/' will automatically have one prefixed.
  In other words, the files "consult" and "/consult" are identical.

  A whole number, and in some cases the value -1.

  Free-form text, possibly an e-mail address or other unusual format.

  An abbreviation that indicates a length of time, such as "3d" for three
  days.  See "help times" for more details.

An explanation of each access variable

  This variable contains the user's address, stripped of comments.
  (such as "')

  This variable contains the comment portion of the user's address.
  Generally it contains the user's name, but often it contains other
  information or will contain nothing at all.

  This variable is set if any "admin" variable is set.  It is possible
  for the admin configuration settings to create access variables.  
  See "help configset_admin_body" and "help configset_admin_headers" for
  more details.

  This variable is set if any of the dup, taboo, admin, mime, limit,
  bad_approval, body_length_exceeded, mime_header_length_exceeded,
  total_header_length_exceeded, max_header_length_exceeded, or
  invalid_from variables is set.  It provides a convenient way to test
  whether or not a posted message violated any of the standard message

  This variable is set if an "Approved" line with an invalid password is
  present in a posted message.  See "help admin_moderate" for more details on
  Approved lines.

  This variable is set if a posted message does not contain the address
  of the mailing list in its To or Cc headers.

  This variable contains the total number of characters in the body parts 
  of a posted message.

  This variable is set if the size of a posted message exceeds the 
  value in the maxlength configuration setting.

  "Chaining" occurs when a series of people must approve a request.  For 
  example, if Jane tries to subscribe Ruth to a mailing list, the approval 
  of both Ruth and the moderators of the mailing list would be required 
  (this is called "confirm_consult" in the access rules).  Normally, a 
  notice would sent to Ruth, and if Ruth approves, a notice would be sent 
  to the moderators.  Unsetting the chain variable would cause notices 
  to be sent to the moderators and to Ruth simultaneously.  The chain
  variable is true by default.

  This variable contains the number of consecutive posts which have been
  made by the poster.  For example, if a user posts five messages in a row
  without any other messages being posted to the list, consecutive_posts is

  This variable contains the number of days since the last post from this
  address.  If the user has never posted before, this will be set to a very
  large value so that if you want to check that a user has posted in the
  past week, you can simply check that $days_since_last_post <= 7.

  This variable contains the number of days since the e-mail address (from
  which a message was posted) was subscribed to a mailing list.  If the
  message was not posted by a subscriber, this variable is set to -1 so
  that if you want to check that the user has been subscribed for a week,
  you can simply check that $days_since_subscribe >= 7.

  This variable holds the length of time a request will be delayed.
  See "help delay" for more details. 

  This variable is set if any of the dup_checksum, dup_partial_checksum, or 
  dup_msg_id variables is set.

  This variable is set if the first body part of a posted message has been 
  sent to the same mailing list recently.

  This variable is set if the Message-ID header of a posted message has been
  sent to the same mailing list recently.

  This variable is set if the first ten lines of a posted message have been
  sent to the same mailing list recently.

  When a request requires someone's approval, there is a time limit for
  approval that is determined by the token_lifetime configuration setting.
  This variable is a time span that can be used to override the token_lifetime
  setting.  See "help times" for more details on time spans.

  This variable contains the address of the person affected by a request, 
  including any comments (such as "Jane Smith <>").

  This variable is set if the 'hidepost' flag is set for the address from
  which a message was posted.  See "help configset_nonmember_flags" and
  "help set" for more details.

  This variable contains the domain name in the address of the person
  affected by a request (such as "").

  This variable is set if the e-mail address in the From header of a posted
  message is not a valid address.

  This variable contains the name of the interface used to make a
  request, such as 'email', 'shell', or 'wwwadm'.

  This variable is set if any of the limit_hard, limit_lower, or
  limit_soft variables is set.

  This variable is set if a posted message exceeded a hard limit, as
  determined by the post_limits configuration setting.

  This variable is set if the author of a message has not posted
  frequently enough to meet a lower limit, as determined by the
  post_limits configuration setting.

  This variable is set if a posted message exceeded a soft limit, as
  determined by the post_limits configuration setting.

  This variable contains the total number of lines in a posted message.

  This variable contains the name of the mailing list.

  If an administrative password for mailing list is used to issue a command
  for the GLOBAL, DEFAULT, or ALL pseudo-list, this variable will
  contain the level of the list's password (see "help admin_passwords"
  for more details on password levels).  By default, list administrative
  passwords are ignored for GLOBAL commands, but this access variable
  can be used to provide extra privileges to list administrators.
  This variable is only useful in the GLOBAL access rules.
  If an administrative password was used to issue a command, this variable
  will contain the level of the password (see "help admin_passwords" for
  more details).  Normally, an administrative password will cause a request
  to be completed immediately; however, the access_password_override
  configuration setting can be used to change this behavior (see
  "help configset_access_password_override" for more details).

  This variable is set if an attempt is made to subscribe a listname
  to itself, which would create a mail loop.

  This variable contains the number of characters in the longest header
  of a posted message.

  This variable  is set if the longest header of a posted message exceeds
  the size limit in the max_header_line_length configuration setting.

  This variable is set if either mime_consult or mime_deny is set.

  This variable is set one or more body parts of a posted message were
  marked for moderation by the attachment_rules configuration setting.

  This variable is set one or more body parts of a posted message were
  marked for rejection by the attachment_rules configuration setting.

  This variable contains the number of characters in the longest 
  header that describes a body part of a posted message.

  This variable is set if the number of character in the longest
  MIME headere exceeds the value of the max_mime_header_length
  configuration setting

  This variable is set one or more body parts of a posted message were
  required to be present by the attachment_rules configuration setting.

  This variable is set if the e-mail address of the person making a
  request and the e-mail address of the person affected by a request
  are different.

  This variable contains the command mode.  For example, it contains 
  "enhanced" when the who-enhanced command is used.

  This variable contains the name of a mailing list that is being
  created or changed by the createlist command.  For the
  createlist-rename command, it contains the old name of the list.

  This variable is set if any "noarchive" variable is set.  It is
  possible for the noarchive_body or noarchive_headers configuration
  setting to create access variables.  See "help configset_noarchive_body"
  and "help configset_noarchive_headers" for more details.

  This variable contains a count of the number of lines in the message
  which are not empty (i.e. which consist of at least one non-whitespace

  If this variable is set, a "stall" result is treated as a failure.
  Commands can be stalled because someone's approval is required for
  the command to be completed, or because of a delay (see "help delay"
  for more details).

  This variable contains the length in characters of a new personal 
  password which is specified in the password command.  It can be
  used to enforce a minimum length for new passwords.

  This variable contains the percentage of lines in a posted message
  which are quoted, between 0 and 100.  A "quoted" line is one which
  indicates that a portion of a message was written by someone else.
  Quoted lines frequently begin with a '>'.  Any line that matches
  the pattern in the "quote_pattern" configuration setting is considered 

  This variable is set if the "default user" command is used to masquerade
  as a different e-mail address.  See "help default" for more details.

  This variable is set if the 'postblock' flag is set for the address from
  which a message was posted.  See "help configset_nonmember_flags" and
  "help set" for more details.

  This variable contains the total number of posts the user has made,
  including the current one, that are tracked in the post database.  Posts
  are tracked in this database for twice the number of days in the
  dup_lifetime setting.

  These variables contain the number of posts the user has made within the
  specified time periods, including the current message.

  These variables contain the number of posts the user has made since the
  beginning of the current day, week and month, respectively.  A week
  begins on Sunday.  Note the difference between these and the previous
  three variables: if it is 5PM, a post made at 8PM the previous day will
  be counted in $posts_last_24hours but not in $posts_this_day because it
  occurred before midnight on the current day.

  This variable contains the number of lines in a posted message that 
  matched the patterns in the quote_pattern configuration setting.  A
  quote is a marker, such as '>', which is used to indicate that part
  of a posted message was originally written by someone else. See
  "help configset_quote_pattern" for more details.

  This variable contains a count of the number of e-mail addresses
  that appear in the "To" and "Cc" headers of a posted message.

  This variable is set to the name of an auxiliary list, if a request
  pertains to an auxiliary list (See "help auxiliary_list" for more

  This variable is set if any "taboo" variable is set.  It is possible
  for the taboo configuration settings to create access variables.  
  See "help configset_taboo_body" and "help configset_taboo_headers" for
  more details.

  This variable contains the type of a token.  The possible values
  include async, alias, confirm, consult, delay, and probe.

  This variable contains the sum of the lengths of all of the headers
  of a posted message. 

  This variable is set if the sum of the header lengths of a posted
  message exceeds the value in the max_total_header_length configuration

  This variable is set if the personal password of the e-mail address
  that was affected by a request is used.

An explanation of each notify directive variable

Notify directives determine who receives a confirmation notice when a 
posted message or request is held for approval.  The default value of 
each variable will depend upon the type of notice (confirm, consult, or 

  This variable contains the number of approvals required by person
  or a group of moderators when a request or posted message is moderated.  If
  it is greater than 1, each moderator will receive a separate 
  confirmation notice.  The default value is 1.  A value of 0 would
  make the approval of a particular group or person unnecessary,
  which may be useful in situations when more than one person or
  group receives a confirmation notice.

  When a posted message requires confirmation, the message is usually
  attached to the confirmation notice.  Unsetting this variable will
  avoid the attachment.  The default value is 1 for consult notices,
  and 0 for confirm and delay notices.
  If a notice cannot be delivered to its recipients, this variable
  determines if the delivery failure will cause the original request
  to be discarded.  The default value is 1 for confirm notices, and
  0 for consult and delay notices.

  This variable controls which file is sent when in response to
  the accept command when further approval is needed by someone
  else in the "chain" of approvals.  By default, this value is
  empty, and Majordomo will send either the "repl_chain" or the
  "repl_confirm" file to indicate that further approval is needed.

  This timespan controls the expiration time of a confirmation token
  in a "chain" of confirmations.  This variable has no effect if
  the confirmations are not chained.  The default value is -1, which
  causes the expiration period to be taken from the token_lifetime
  configration setting.

  This variable determines which document is sent in the confirmation
  notice.  The default value is 'confirm' for confirm notices, 'consult'
  for consult notices, and 'delay' for delay notices.

  This variable determines what happens when a request expires.
  Normally, requests that expire will simply be discarded.  However,
  if the fulfill variable is set, the request will be completed when
  it expires.  The default value is 1 for delay notices and 0 for confirm
  and consult notices.

  This variable determines who receives a confirmation notice when a
  request requires approval.  There are four standard values:

    The moderators of the mailing list receive a notice.

    Nobody receives a notice.
    The person who made the request receives a notice.

    The person affected by a request receives a notice.

  In addition, the group can be the name of any existing auxiliary list
  (see "help auxiliary_list" for more details).  The default value is
  victim for confirm and delay notices, and moderators for consult 

  This variable allows only a few moderators to receive a notice when
  a request is moderated.  For example, if there are 5 moderators, and
  the pool variable is set to 2, two of the moderators will be chosen
  randomly to receive a notice.  Normally, the number of moderators is
  determined by the moderator_group configuration setting. The default
  value is -1, meaning that the moderator_group setting determines the
  pool size.  A value of 0 would cause all of the moderators to receive
  a notice.

  This variable allows the time at which a reminder notice is sent to
  be changed.  Reminder notices are usually sent after a number of
  days, as indicated by the token_remind configuration setting.  This
  variable should be set to a time span, such as "12h" for twelve
  hours or "3d" for three days; see "help times" for more details on
  time spans.  The default value is -1, meaning that the token_remind
  configuration setting is used to determine when the reminder is
  sent.  A value of 0 will prevent a reminder from being sent.

See Also:
   help access    (for the special case of granting/denying all access)
   help admin_moderate
   help admin_passwords
   help auxiliary_list
   help configset_access_password_override
   help configset_access_rules        (to restrict access to any command)
   help times
   help variables (for file substitution variables)

This is the "access_variables" help document for 
Majordomo 2, version 0.1200410180.

For a list of all help documents, send the following command:
   help topics
in the body of a message to

For assistance, please contact the administrators.
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